If you are in distress and need help in KIND or if you are a donor and wish to donate in KIND our endeavour is to connect you through this platform to the giver/receiver. Please read the instructions before filling out the form

Request Form

Donation Form

Please Enter your name
Category needs to be selected
Description cannot be blank
Please enter a valid Pincode
Locality cannot be blank
Enter 10 digit mobile number
Enter 10 digit or keep blank
Incorrect Format

  • Select the appropriate box 'I want to request' or 'I want to donate'.
  • Fill in the form and an OTP will be sent for verification.
  • Your request will be approved after verification and shared on Social Media within 15-30mts from your request.
  • The information provided by you is considered as true, accurate and authentic and hence its status appears verified.
  • Please fill up the form to its entirety; incomplete or frivolous requests will be rejected.
  • Kindly select the most appropriate category and fill up the purpose of your request in the description box.
  • Your request or donation should be only IN KIND. Do not request for any cash/money.
  • Any open request will automatically get closed in 10 days; you may choose to reopen if not fulfilled.
  • Please close the request once it is serviced.
  • We operate from 9AM to 9PM India Time on all days except Sundays.
  • Please check the current status of a request before servicing
  • Do not extend help in Cash/Money, please help the requestor only IN KIND
  • Please contact the requestor or donor directly to get more information.
  • The information provided by the requestor or donor is considered true, accurate and authentic and hence appears verified. Please do due diligence before servicing the request.
  • With good intent, we are trying to connect the Giver with the Taker and vice versa; we have no commercial interest.